The Dino Dig has been a ROARing success so far! We’ve had over 1000 visitors – including 621 children – in our first week.
Many people have commented on how ROARsome the event has been for them:

“There was a great range of activities, and we were able to stay the morning. Absolutely amazing.”
“My children thoroughly enjoyed it.”
“Community spirit is so low around here. This is just what is needed.”
“Resources like this for children must continue to be funded; it’s vital to education.”

Visitors also praised our staff and volunteers:
“The staff were really friendly and helpful.”
“The staff really got involved in all the activities.”
“The staff’s interaction with children made them feel involved.”
“All the staff should be very proud of themselves for all the success that the Dino Dig has brought.”
Upcoming highlights
Our dynamic Dino Dig is keeping the tent open for the next two weeks! There are some particularly interesting events happening – we can’t wait for you to get your teeth into these...
1. Ask an expert – Dino Dave and specialists from Liverpool Museum will be at The Strand, ready to hear all your questions on the ravenous reptiles. From T-Rexes to Triceratops, from the Jurassic to the Cretaceous period, these boffins are sure to have a wealth of knowledge to share with you. From 10am to 4pm on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th August.

2. Dinos in The Strand – Watch out! Real-life° velociraptors are coming to The Strand on Friday 13th August! Make sure you get the chance to snap some shots but keep away from those snapping jaws. These rasping raptors will be stalking and snarling around The Strand from 11am-3pm.
° May not actually be live!

Things to do throughout each week
Here at the Great Dino Dig, there’s a rolling programme crammed full of exciting experiences. We’ve got all sorts-a-saurus...
· Dino digging sandpit – grab your shovel and dive (not literally!) into our giant sandpit. Hunt for fossils, dino skeletons and precious artefacts underneath the sand. What hidden surprises will you uncover? Includes a free gift for the kids...

· Workshops – We reckon your 5-7 year olds would love the ‘story-reading’ sessions and ‘T-Rex hunts’. For those aged 8-11, we recommend the ‘Dino Ranger training’ and the ‘Comedy Cavemen’ (every Saturday). The ‘dino footprint trails’ around The Strand and the opportunity to have your face painted (every Friday) would be suitable for all ages.
· Crafts – come and have a go with our range of creative projects, involving origami dinosaurs, dino plates and scratch art. Purchase your own crafts from Kingsley and Co. (such as colouring in your very own dino mug!)

· Kingsley and Co – our bookshop and café are open for business-saurus! Enjoy a variety of homemade snacks/drinks, browse our special dinosaur products and explore our assortment of books for infants to teens (on sale for just £1).
· Dare you get up close and friendly with a T-Rex? Enter our video booth if you’d like to be filmed against a green screen; watch as the prowling predator appears right beside you! Receive your own video to relive your ‘petra-flying’ encounter at home.
A big thank you to all our funders - One Vision Housing, Sefton Council & Strand Shopping Centre who helped make this event possible. We couldn’t have done it without you!

And finally...
A big round of applause (or clap your claws, flap your wings, whichever you prefer) to all our team of staff and volunteers for their hard work and dedication. You are all getting stuck in to help draw our community closer together and bring loads of fun to children and families!
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